
Results 10 issues of jc-lab

If MONGO_SIDECAR_POD_LABELS set incorrectly and Mongo DB is alive, a connection leak occurs and the server dies.

Fix error caused by the wrong sourceRegex in webpack environment. ``` zxing.js?2fed:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null at parseJSFunc (zxing.js?2fed:1) at eval (zxing.js?2fed:1) at module.exports (zxing.js?2fed:1) at...

**Description** The USER set in the Dockerfile does not work and always runs as root. **Steps to reproduce the issue:** Dockerfile: ``` FROM alpine:3.13 USER 1000 CMD [ "id" ]...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30275706/118929599-b1ce3b00-b97f-11eb-80d3-811be10b10cb.png) ``` chown: invalid spec: ‘1000:’ ``` Ubuntu focal 20.04.1 gives me such an error. If look at https://linux.die.net/man/1/chown the `:` is unnecessary.

The test fails in OpenJDK because OpenJDK and Oracle's default Class Loader are different.

Issue #1 and some of the requirements of #8 can be met.

```typescript import * as elliptic from 'elliptic'; const ec = new elliptic.ec('curve25519'); const privateKey = ec.keyFromPrivate('0843f2237a9597939c62512ab405e1d92838044b757e1395dbc8e3deeb4e9f9c', 'hex'); /* It is converted as below. (See You can check it through https://lapo.it/asn1js/...

https://github.com/jc-lab/threads-plugin-problem See the repository above. Error when using module as esnext in tsconfig. If you use commonjs instead of esnext, threads-plugin will not detect Worker. ``` > npm run build...


* **Version**: Many versions (Maybe all)... * **Platform**: Windows 10 1903 Same error : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/libuv/iYmwxzRyemU/BBDeikdBBAAJ ```c int main(int argc, char **argv) { loop = uv_default_loop(); uv_pipe_init(loop, &stdin_pipe, 0); uv_pipe_open(&stdin_pipe, 0);...

The owner of the directory to be mounted is set to root. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30275706/127811863-e2d74f56-d727-4464-a681-12b324058178.png) ``` # After install winfuse. $ qemu-img create -o size=5G disk.img $ mkdir -p mnt $ qcowmount...