Julien Burkhard

Results 6 issues of Julien Burkhard

This is needs to be fixed. The rendering is not correct.


Formula such as $1-\frac{2}{3}$ make the minus very hard to read. Find a way to add spaces around operators.


## virt_lines poc ![image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbyuki/gifs/main/nabla.png) **requires nvim 0.8.0+** A safe way to get inline visualization. The implementation is currently very simplistic. Enable with: ```lua require"nabla".enable_virt() ``` Disable with: ```lua require"nabla".disable_virt() ```...

If a tag is not recognized, it should output it out verbatim and not remove it. For example ```tex $x \gets y$ ``` should output ``` x \gets y ```

Using ffprobe: ```python probe = ffmpeg.probe(fn) video_stream = next((stream for stream in probe['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None) print(int(video_stream['nb_frames'])) ``` I get `230` frames. By reading it as a numpy...