Hi, @rozentill @Gfans. I use NvFlexSetShapes to update collision triangles, and it works. But the collision between cloth and animated body is not stable. The cloth is very easy to...
I first train the skinning weight network with neutral-clothed human data, then freeze it and train the whole network. And the displacement network should start with little values. You can...
Sorry, I have graduated and the original code has been lost.
maybe you can check #4
I think the problem is caused by the versions of pytorch-geometric related libraries. Please check first.
If you mean the Synthetic Dataset, the garment texture images are from Fabrics and DTD as the paper explained. If you mean the HD Texture Dataset, the texture is extracted...
Some cloth simulation methods(arcsim) and software(cloth3d, nvflex) may handle this.
The method only predicts the separate body and garment meshes and can not extract texture from the image. The results with texture in the paper are based on the gt...
@Minsoo2022 Sorry for the late reply. My texture stitching method is straight, basically utilizing the registered garment mesh to find corresponding vertices on the scan mesh, then extracted the scanned...