There is a separate NanoPB function called `pb_get_encoded_size` to do this, but it isn't directly exposed through any helper functions yet. This should be a workable example: ```org_eclipse_tahu_protobuf_Payload ddata_payload; //...
I'm trying to get my branch updated and into a pull request soon. I'll add a feature to find the size more intuitively.
Near the top of tahu.h, change this define from 1 to 0: ``` // Enable/disable debug messages #define SPARKPLUG_DEBUG 1 ```
There is currently no compile time option.
The original implementation of Sparkplug was in Java, and most of the core developers still do their work their first. The C implementation has been a as-we-can effort, mostly by...
No, the reference library can't decode metric properties as it exists...
I still need to clean up things like the PyPi package name, etc... But, this works.
The sample application doesn't make use of `bdSeq` which I believe is required for MQTT Engine to count the node death properly. This metric is optional according to the specification,...
All valid points. Having said that, the Sparkplug project currently exists in two repositories: this one for sample implementations, and another one over at https://github.com/eclipse/sparkplug for the official specification documentation...