Jean-Baptiste PIN

Results 9 comments of Jean-Baptiste PIN

Do you have any update on this one? Can someone validate this issue is fixed?

Hi @tngan. Thanks for the quick reply. As it's part of the spec it could be nice to support it. Maybe in two steps. First could be to support an...

@tngan ok nice. Sure v3 will rocks with this feature. For now, can we find a workarround so that metadata file can load and resolve first instance? I try placing...

Hi @tngan. Do you have any update on this issue ? looks like it's still not implemented ?

I had the same issue with `velero backup get -o json` it work with the link. Edit: I've install velero with brew as well

I confirm I've the same behaviour here. The result always have 1 item and it's not always the same.

> I am experiencing the same problem with OVH since 2022-08-31 (pgBackRest v2.37). Before this date everything was OK. I tried to contact OVH yesterday, waiting for an answer. I'm...

may it could be related to as we also receive 400 status code.

For sure, I'm in ! Here is the schema reporting protocol from Apollo :