John Boy
John Boy
The answer isn't as straightforward as it should be. I'll try to add something like you suggested in the next release. Thanks!
I will focus on implementing Liebig & Rao (2016).
No, sorry, by backbone extraction I mean the process of eliminating edges from a graph to find relevant connections. Currently I use [a filtering technique]( that doesn't take the bipartite...
Sorry, in other words it's about finding significant edges and discarding insignificant ones. (connections = edges)
The definition of "significance" differs by technique. Usually there's a comparison to a null model, with different techniques using different null models. My question on this issue is specifically about...
Thanks for submitting your question! I don't know of any way to add a background to labels, though I agree it would be a nice feature, so I'll look into...
I've asked for some pointers for where to start implementing this [in the igraph support forum](
That's a misunderstanding. I am not relying on the R interface to igraph, but the [Python interface]( It isn't as easy to work with as networkx, but it is much...
> Also if there are any published papers of textnets, I would wait no time to cite them in my research! Soon, I hope. Writing and publishing moves much more...