Julien Boulen
Julien Boulen
When we use [the following example](https://moodledev.io/docs/apis/plugintypes/tiny#creating-a-new-plugin), the generated files in `amd/src/` directory use a placeholder for `@module` tag: ```js /** * Commands helper for the Moodle tiny_example plugin. * *...
Hello, Is it intentional to use html entities in license template ? The [markdown file](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.md) available on [gnu.org page](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.en.html#GPL) does not use html entities. In my personal opinion, HTML entities...
### What is the URL of the page? https://moodledev.io/general/development/process/peer-review#syntax ### What is the issue with this page? Documentation indicates: > $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_COOKIE, and $_SESSION are never used. But...