Jacob Bouffard
Jacob Bouffard
[Cloud Optimized GeoTiff](http://www.cogeo.org/)s (COGs) are GeoTiffs formatted in such a way that they are optimized to be stored and accessed on the Cloud. Having the ability to read and write...
A `delete_layer` method should be added to the `catalog` module to make removing unwanted layers easier for users. This method should be fairly straightforward to implement, as it's just a...
This issue is a follow up to #651 where additional documentation will be written that goes over how to actually display maps in the notebooks themselves. This can be a...
We have decided to replace [GeoNotebook](https://github.com/OpenGeoscience/geonotebook) with [follium](https://github.com/python-visualization/folium) as our means of displaying maps in a JupyteNotebook. Therefore, the [Developing GeoPySpark With GeoNotebook](https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark#developing-geopyspark-with-geonotebook) section of the `README` needs to be...
In order to send data back and forth between Python and Scala, we use Google's [Protocol Buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/) to serialize/deserialize data as it goes from language to another. However, this causes...
Both `SpatialPartitionStrategy` and `SpaceTimePartitionStrategy` have the `bits` parameters whose role and importance aren't very clear from the documentation. The reason for this is that that parameter's role is somewhat complex...
This PR makes it so that Travis will upload the latest `whl` and `egg` files of GPS to S3 every time a branch is merged into master.
[Coursier](https://github.com/coursier/coursier) is a Scala library that fetches dependencies from Ivy/Maven. We could use this to pull down the backend jars when setting up GeoPySpark. It would make setting up GPS...
The `save_stitched` method currently saves the `GeoTiff` with the default settings https://github.com/locationtech-labs/geopyspark/blob/master/geopyspark-backend/geotrellis/src/main/scala/geopyspark/geotrellis/SpatialTiledRasterLayer.scala#L218 It'd be nice to have more control over the `GeoTiff ` that is saved. This could be done...
There is a display issue that sometimes occurs when viewing ingested GDDP data. The following image shows a "dip" in North Dakota that should be filled in. This "dip" doesn't...