Jacob Bouffard
Jacob Bouffard
As of now, the docs explain how to convert a `RasterFrame` to either an `RDD` or a `TileLayerRDD` only. It'd be nice to also have a section on how to...
Right now, whenever a `ValueReader` fails to read a given Tile it throws an error. However, this is different from what `LayerReader`s do which is just to return an empty...
During my refactor, I noticed two types which I had not seen before: `SinglebandRaster` and `MultibandRaster`. Looking into it further, I found that those two types [represent Raster[Tile] and Raster[MultibandTile],...
Having geometries in an `RDD` is becoming more common due to our work on OSMesa. However, we have little support with working with that format in GeoTrellis. One area in...
The current conversion from a `SpatialKey` to `GridBounds` is kinda awkward as it forces the user to use two `apply` methods consecutively: `mapTransform(mapTransform(key))`. This is because `MapKeyTransform` lacks a direct...
It would be good to have a way to check the integrity of a catalog; as bad ingests can result in a lot of problems later on. Possible ways this...
This was encountered in GeoPySpark, but this issue most likely exists in GeoTrellis as well. When collecting the `Metadata` for an `RDD`, it was found that the returned `Extent` for...
Currently, the way we store segment data of GeoTiffs is via an `Array[Byte]`; as can be seen [here](https://github.com/geotrellis/geotrellis/blob/master/raster/src/main/scala/geotrellis/raster/io/geotiff/SegmentBytes.scala#L10). This method could cause future problems, though. By storing the `Byte`s in...
# Overview Even though it's claimed in the docs, GPS doesn't support Accumulo or HBase currently because we have removed those dependencies from the backend. ## Background Originally, the GPS...
We currently use `geotrellis-contrib` for the `read` methods. However, we don't fully utilize it as we don't have a way of incorporating GDAL into GPS. We should add optional GDAL...