JD Bothma

Results 48 issues of JD Bothma

I think there's a problem creating multiple interlinked items in one update. I'm trying to create a mayor and an executive and link the to each other and an existing...


This is a LOT of changes - it's mostly for discussion - you probably want cleaner change sets, which I'm happy to try and assemble for you. ## Changelog: -...

We'd like non-techies who don't know markdown to be able to edit project descriptions as richly as possible. Would you be open to some kind of WYSIWYG editor, which serialises...

We'd like a way to see which projects are current and which are not worked on at the moment. We run regular meetups and try and match people to projects...

I'd like to encourage participants to work in a problem-oriented way. Approaching a project more like 1. identifying what problem they want to solve 2. identifying a number of options...

## Description of problem Cron reports an error when trying to rotate letsencrypt logs subject `Cron test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily )` message ```...

type: bug
merge-level: patch
needs: investigation
plugin: events

# Description of problem If an error occurs when the backup cron job runs, I would like to be informed so that I know backups are not working. ## Expected...

type: enhancement
type: service

``` [jdb@alarmpi ~]$ greg add TEDTalks http://feeds.feedburner.com/TEDTalks_audio Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jdb/.local/bin/greg", line 11, in sys.exit(main()) File "/home/jdb/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/greg/parser.py", line 138, in main function(vars(args)) File "/home/jdb/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/greg/commands.py", line 39, in...

## Description of problem The service support is awesome, thanks! The `--alias` argument to `link` is awesome to that apps don't need to have dokku-specific environment variable names. It would...
