I modified this plugin because I had the need to consolidate report after running tests in parallel on multiple servers. This is not trivial at all due to the way...
Hello, I can confirmed the two AES I tried could not sync properly, a lot of skipping on the video and top of the screen always lagging. I used stock...
I've a setup that allow me to input command to the serial while running the AES on a screen. I'm not knowledgable enough to know what I'm messing with but...
Trying out more things, I realized the skipping is due to the syncwatcher activity probably trying to figure out the optimal setting. But for some reason it seems to fail...
I've been running a few extra tests just to try eliminate possibilities, I've wired a LM1881N in between the AES 3-5, 3-6 stock to see what would happen if I...
Well to be honest I don't know if this is the reason. I just forced this value because it's supposed to be the expected input freq. But truly, it also...
Thanks for the link, I'll try to force value that closely match the 59.599 to see if it makes any difference
Well, I made a fool of myself I'm afraid! After diving more into the source code, I realized the debug pin used for the vsyncInputSample() seems to be exclusively use...
Ok so I tried bypassing the LM1881N, and it is same result as before, unable to sync in RBG (Csync) without the V sync signal. Is it only a software...
If I remember correctly I just wired straight RGB cables to the upscaler then wired the composite video provided by the aes to the lm1881 video input then wired the...