Jim Blomo
Jim Blomo
There are probably many instances in which you'd like to share settings between server side and client side code. Right now `settings.clj` and `settings/custom.clj` are only used by server side...
Right now, running `ant` in `build/` is the way to compile and compact the resources needed for the app. Ideally, this would be done with a lein command. I want...
As @scottjad points out, keeping the jars in the source repo is inefficient. Ideally we should use `config/project.properties` to set the path of the jars to `lib/dev` or even modify...
The initializer code, based on the "Garber-Irish implementation" of page init scripts, should be its own project so it can stay general and be useful to other people not using...
When using a tomcat adapter, the ring.util.route/not-found handler appears to send the 404.html file without the right MIME or Content-Type, so it just shows up as plain text. Write a...
Like ring.middleware.closure-templates, support a :dynamic option. True means recompile on a change in the source, false means only compile at startup time.
Image a data set of (cljs) maps with an :id key. One may want to use ``` clojure (unify @data some-fn :key-fn :id) ``` But the coffee implementation calls the...
There is a new upstream release of Closure Templates: https://groups.google.com/group/closure-templates-discuss/browse_thread/thread/7f85216f56636a8c We should use the newRender functionality to take advantage of the rendering optimizations.