What's the exact issue? Do you have a problem with openwebif?
Where exactly do you open this stream?
This needs to do in Kodi because you are getting only the channel refs. I don't want modify the srefs.
You can use this small check sref starts with 4097: or 5002: or sref contains :http%3a or :https%3a
If you detect IPTV you need to remove the sref and start the stream directly. 1:0:1:909:63:27:FFFF0000:0:0:0:http%3a//my.iptvprovider.net%3a8000/live/channels/mychannel.ts Remove 1:0:1:909:63:27:FFFF0000:0:0:0: Replace %3a with : and play directly
This sounds like a enigma2 limitation and therefore not openwebif related.
NO!! This is also a valid IPTV ref 1:0:1:909:63:27:FFFF0000:0:0:0:http%3a//my.iptvprovider.net%3a8000/live/channels/mychannel.ts
Hi @phunkyfish , i don't understand your real problem. You are want to stream a IPTV via openwebif directly on a PC or other device. This function is implemented already.
I have no idea how to implement this.
That's not my goal. I wanna remove the jquery mobile part completely and auto switch to modern on mobile device. And then we need the MOBILEDEVICE var.