@wedebe : please take over.
I can make the min files by calling. `cleancss -o ./css/style.min.css ./css/style.css ` This command have an issue on mac. `npx ./_utils/mincss.js -o '../../plugin/public/modern/' './css/**/*.css' ` **verbose stack Error: ENOTDIR:...
I goto modern and call : `npm run build-css ` or `npx ./_utils/mincss.js -o '../../plugin/public/modern/' './css/**/*.css' ` same result
it works if i call this : `cleancss -o ./css/style.min.css ./css/style.css`
It's not that important. I think you should check the other css issues first.
/sourcefiles css jquery-ui modern themes fontello_config.json js scss ./modern _utils dist js package.json bqe-app.js entry-app.js node_modules plugins css glob-uglifyjs.config.json package-lock.json
> [email protected] build-entry > npx parcel build ./entry-app.js --out-dir ../../plugin/public/modern/js/ ✨ Built in 4.50s. ../../plugin/public/modern/js/entry-app.js.map 321 KB 45ms ../../plugin/public/modern/js/entry-app.js 130.32 KB 4.01s npm notice npm notice New patch version of...
I have installed node from this page : https://nodejs.org/en/download/ There is no nvm. `zsh: command not found: nvm `
I have removed the node_modules and called npm install. Same result: npm run build-css > [email protected] build-css > npx ./_utils/mincss.js -o '../../plugin/public/modern/' './css/**/*.css' npm ERR! code ENOTDIR npm ERR! syscall...
FIXED !! I have removed /usr/local/lib/node_modules and reinstall node.js Then npm install in modern folder.