Jannik Mewes

Results 39 comments of Jannik Mewes

Pretty please? Hope to see this on the close future roadmap. Would make it alot easier handle data input. Merely for avoiding injecting Route/RouteSnapshot and searching for data it would...

It's annoying this is still required. I took a look at the angular source in search of possible "attack points" to use to implement this without help of the official...

@Remco75 unfortunately I am not as I need to prioritize other tasks. Would involve lots of experimental work while it shouldn't be too difficult to add the feature to the...

So, the initial post refers to Angular 2.0.0rc5, is 6 years old and has 300+ thumbs up. How much interest does a issue need to get enough priority to be...

Edit: Seems I was too eager. The ModuleRef has no access even to services from @Global() Modules. I was searching hours for a good solution on configurable+DI supported middlewares. Finally...

For anyone interested, I created a very basic custom implementation to make this work. It will assign all props provided in config.data to the component. Note that it does not...

Note that since angular 14.1 there's an ["official" way to set input values](https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/46641), so now we can do it like this: ```ts if(this.config.data) { for(const key in this.config.data) { this.componentRef.setInput(key,this.config.data[key]);...

@th0r alright, will do as soon as I find some time!

Are there any news on this? My whole validation setup is stuck on old class-validator version because there's no solution to manage error messages. I saw that over here there...

Just found this today, reported this problem a month ago at https://github.com/typestack/class-transformer/issues/1097 . class-level expose/exclude will not be inherited because class-level metadata storage doesn't use the inheritance pattern used for...