Hello Community, We said we would do some cleaning in the tickets. One thing we want to do is keep track of opened feature requests in the tracker. To be...
Hello, We strongly need some help on the frontend side. We currently have very limited skills in JS technologies, which limit us from moving the project forward. A good starting...
Filling the Active Directory page does not enable the "save" button. I had to switch back to LDAP, file in all fields, click save, the group filters are requested even...
Dear PowerDNS Admin users, As you may know, PowerDNS Admin's creator Khanh Ngo has decided to retire from his project. He left us a good piece of software with great...
Hello Community ! We believe that a messy house does not send a good message to any visitor. There are too many abandoned topics in the repository, and our new...
Hello, Adding many domains in parallel with terraform outputs several errors in the log. The domains looks ok afterwards (at least in the ui) ``` Feb 15 10:01:46 dns-back-dc3-01 gunicorn[27486]:...
Hello, Can you tell me if we can install LSC with Java 11 ? It is not clearly written and we would like to use the distribution packages (openjdk-11-jdk). We...