@arbaldin does adding this setting to your config file solves the issue ? `SQLALCHEMY_ENGINE_OPTIONS = { 'pool_size': 10, 'pool_recycle': 600, 'pool_pre_ping': True }`
Hello, We didn't add this in the priorities since the maintaining team has changed (and are currently not that available). To give a neat answer: resources ! If someone can...
Related #740
Hello, The OIDC account provisioning has been implemented. Regards
Hello, Thank you for the feedback. We will look into this once we will have reduced the ticket queue. Regards
The javascript needs to be checked carefully to have correct toggles of required fields, at least in LDAP Authentication
Hello, Since PDA does not store records in its DB, this is not even possible. We already discovered that records account information is deleted by PDA and we will provide...
Hello, This occurs because the zone is created in two steps, the zone, then the records. Adding invalid txt records indeed fails. We should focus on syntax validation, in both...
Hello @bcsanford We would like to add it but currently we don't have resources to work on it. Feel free to open a PR or wait some time, maybe another...
Hello, It looks like your setting is not returning a list. Can you add these line just before L300: `current_app.logger.debug("{} => {}".format(records, f_records))` and paste the content of the debug...