
Results 12 comments of jbardnz

+1 Laravel 5 support would be great.

Have a look at Launch Darkly for some feature ideas: https://launchdarkly.com From a technical point of view it would need to be able to persist the users that had the...

I'm having the same issue on Laravel Vapor as there is no local filesystem. Is there a way to use the `remote_disk` to temporarily store the file instead of the...

@JeffBeltran I did manage to find a workaround that works quite well. I made a custom action with the following code: ``` class ExportExcel extends ExportToExcel implements WithHeadings { use...

Also doesn't seem to work in Safari Mobile on IOS 6. Works great on IOS7 though. It also doesn't work on Desktop Safari 5.1 (Windows) although CSS animations are supported.

Hey Their is an android emulator: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/emulator.html Not sure about IOS6 Emulator though.

Okay so it looks like I was wrong about the cause of this issue. I realised the `X-XSRF-TOKEN` as it was being set to httpOnly. I have fixed that issue...

Yes I do, here is a successful login request. Everything is exactly the same as the previous request expect the middleware is disabled: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1628446/79686405-3c7fca80-8294-11ea-9b6d-e373a084ae5e.png)

I'm wondering if this could be the issue, in my Laravel session.php file I have disabled `http_only`. However when I check Chrome I can see the XSRF-TOKEN still has the...

@aidantwoods I just edited the cookie manually and my problem is fixed if I switch off HttpOnly.