I am experiencing this same issue, the first image does not open with the zoom. Any time I click after that first initial click it works. Any solution?
Hello, I also am experiencing this same issue. I have tried to use this code with type: 'File' and the data is a URL to a pdf that I am...
How did you get it properly base64 encoded? Were you using a local pdf file or a pdf hosted on a server? I am trying to figure out how to...
Yes, I have tried to do this client side but can't seem to get the PDF to open or be served locally. I have tried the below code var files...
What is your file path @mhk69 ? I am trying to use file type with filepath and my file is located in an expansion file, But I am not having...
Can you please elaborate on how you "hacked" up a cdvfile:// url to pass to the plugin? I have a file stored in an expansion file that I can't seem...
Are you downloading from a remote server then? I am trying to understand how this would actually look for my example: downloadFile($scope.document.pdf_url, filename) what is $scope? and do I use...