Anyone else noticed that occasionally the roller stops responding to commands? Mine seems to do it both to zigbee and the buttons. Then works again 5 minutes later.
Getting the same error here. Have tried the workaround with no luck.
Mine installed after the upgrade to 2022.6.7, not sure why!
> > Mine installed after the upgrade to 2022.6.7, not sure why! > > > > Were you getting the same error previously on an older version? Or was this...
> @blakeblackshear This seems like it may be related to #2853 ? 🤔 > > > > @jb123567 Do you mind including some images with the zone defined? Also, are...
> @jb123567 Thanks, just for some insight can you please also post a screenshot of the Home Assistant graph showing the object going between 0 and 1 and back? This...
> Okay thanks, last question: Do you have frigate events enabled for this zone? If so do you see one long zone or does it get split into events like...
> I need to try and reproduce this again. Thank you. Is there anything you need from me?
As an update I'm still noticing some really odd behaviour. The events section of Frigate is identifying that a person is inside the area, with the detection showing "In Progress"...
> What does the HA sensor for the camera (not zone) show? > > This could certainly be a valid state, as the person was in the cot zone but...