Zhenjie Yang
Zhenjie Yang
1.Maybe DP can help you, but you just use DP in Encoder model. 2.Version 0.3 take less resources and get lower performance than v0.2. 3.We will release new version this...
Hi, thanks to your attention, GoBigger is updating, and new version will come soon! If you want to try this old version, maybe you can try the following: GoBigger: [pip...
I guess possible_resolutions = [(2,2), (1,2), (2,1), (1,3), (3,1), (1,4), (4,1)] possible_resolutions = [(x * 336, y * 336) for x,y in possible_resolutions] image_grid_pinpoints = possible_resolutions
train.py line 62 change "epoch = self.scheduler.last_epoch + 1" to "epoch = self.scheduler.last_epoch"