Jay Swartz
Jay Swartz
When running the notebook on my local laptop, versus the DigitalOcean Droplet that has the bug, the explainers function. Based on this and the running of multiple notebooks a new...
I've been fitting EBM models all day today on the DigitalOcean Droplet without the benefit of explainers to build a base of predictions I can measure using a ground truth....
Thank you! This works. I'm rerunning with this to see if the type error resurfaces. If it does, I'll do the roll back. Could someone point me to where to...
There appear to be memory leaks or table overflows in the JS alternative. I can only get runs of 8-9 counties before the notebook fails with a single jupyterLab error...
Thank you! Dooh, I should have tried something obvious like this. Getting the one dictionary is exactly what I needed. FYI, after a few more runs, I managed to lock...
Avhirup, The system specifically would use machine learning (ML) to determine the probability that what is being said or written is based on known facts. So, it's more fact versus...
Brandy, I've not invested much time on this front, but am willing to support creating a proposal. Would love to get financial backing so I could help make this happen!...