Jay Phelps
Jay Phelps
@mattinsler If you're manually specifying your plugins, the order sometimes matter. Make sure `transform-decorators-legacy` comes **before** `transform-class-properties`. ``` js WRONG!! "plugins": [ "transform-class-properties", "transform-decorators-legacy" ] RIGHT "plugins": [ "transform-decorators-legacy", "transform-class-properties"...
@uMaxmaxmaximus did you make sure the order of your plugins is correct, that `transform-decorators-legacy` comes **before** `transform-class-properties`? https://github.com/loganfsmyth/babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy/issues/17#issuecomment-222581635
What's the latest thinking on this? AFAIK, sweet inside ES6 module-syntax breaks things since the `export` keyword is shared by the two? i.e. if you transpiler first, you lose sweet...
:thumbsup: would love this.
This discussion has probably happened elsewhere but any reason not to make the `--readable-names` behavior the default instead and provide a flag to uniquify everything if they want that?
To be clear, if it is something that makes sense in binaryen I would try to add it when I get the time. Not asking others to do the work...
@kripken Cool. use case: using binaryen as a backend to build wasm AST, emitting each unit to disk as relocatable binary, so we can then link them all together with...
@nilslice If it's helpful I can at least confirm, for me, the issue still persists (tested with 1.19.3) For reference, I hit this on multiple projects, so I'm pretty sure...
Hey everyone! Any thoughts? 🕺