Somehow I found Training and Testing Images of 98 face landmarks. Yet I am using 68 face landmarks in my current project but after some testing I found that this...
I am using 68_face_landmarks.dat modual in my project but its not enough stable and accurate. So the face mesh keeps vibrating. So is there any way to make it more...
Can I train dlib's 68_face_landmarks.dat module with this technique in same ".dat" format. Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oJafFb54laUkrlnd3Xj-2cEPs3ci9WsA/view?usp=drivesdk If yes can you please guide me for it.
I am using dlib 68 face landmarks detector in my project. I saw avengers example video and 98 face landmarks is very stable and better than my 68 landmarks file....
Yet I am working on project with dlib in unity. I am using 68_face_landmarks.dat but its not enough stable and accurate. So face mesh seems very vibrating. Can you share...
Yet I am working on project with dlib 68 face landmarks.dat file. But in many testing results seems very unstable. After some research I found dataset file. Here are some...
Please can you share ".dat" file of 106 face landmarks. Or can you guide me how can I build 106 face landmarks .dat file.
Yet I am working on project with dlib 68 face landmarks. But its not enough stable to use futher. Can you tell me how can I use torch as dlib...
Hey, Any suggestion for arcore on 2d face texture.
I am working on project where I am using dlib 68 face landmarks. But its not enough stable to use further. I got some solutions to make it more stable....