Jayme Gordon

Results 28 comments of Jayme Gordon

@ColinDuquesnoy looks like qtpy is getting close to rolling out PyQt6 support! https://github.com/spyder-ide/qtpy/issues/233 ❤️

Btw I literally just copied the first fix I googled for haha, no idea if there's a more elegant way to do it, or really what any of the `__builtins__`...

Yeah no idea, I have it failing on 3 colleague's M1 mbps also. Seems other projects have used a workaround like: https://www.programcreek.com/python/example/67000/builtins.__NUMPY_SETUP__ ```py def finalize_options(self): _build_ext.finalize_options(self) # Prevent numpy from...

@Neogus thx that fixed it for me! Also there is an open PR https://github.com/bukosabino/ta/pull/196 that seems to have a similar fix

Nothing to add other than a +1, this issue happens very frequently working in vscode python interactive terminal with ``` "%load_ext autoreload", "%autoreload 2", ``` executing = 0.10.0 stack-data =...

Thanks @untitaker, in the meantime do you know the best way to include extra data say a stacktrace or whatever else by using eg `capture_exception(exception, extra_data='extra stuff here'` ?

Any progress on this one? would be super helpful to have working thx!!! :)

+1, it would be nice if we could even specify a global path to look for other styles/lexers so we don't have to modify the source.