Jason LaChapelle
Jason LaChapelle
I've run into this to. It happens when you have a "self closing" element (). A "quick fix" for this is to add an empty element inside your normally self-closing...
As of right now actions are only synchronous, sadly. It's been on my todo list for a while now, though, haha. I'll be back from vacation next week and can...
@nazarhussain It's going to be a tricky fix, at least for the version that's on npm (will be slightly easier in the 1.0 version I'm working on, but still tricky)....
@nazarhussain Hey, sorry for the really late reply! Was on another mini-vacation with the family over the weekend. I've been working on getting async stuff working in 1.0. It's a...
@nazarhussain - The problem is turning out to be far more challenging then I had expected. It was a pretty big oversight, at the very lowest of levels, and now...
@nazarhussain I understand. Problem is, I completely dropped the ball on async stuff. It's just not a use case I imaged people would want/need, sot he whole code is designed...
@nazarhussain Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you find the module useful! :) I'm still working on the async stuff. I thought I might be done in a...
@nazarhussain The syntax and stuff won't change, no. 1.0 is the last major refactor of the syntax :)