Jason Tyler
Jason Tyler
The simplest fix would be to return status `200` for the `/documentation` route. But end users might want some additional functionality. This could include: 1. Changing the documentation path, e.g....
@Pradhvan Thanks for the offer! Yes, feel free to. I brought this up as a potential issue to work on for a PyCascades sprint, but we never quite decided what...
Could the issue be rephrased as "is there a way to maintain internal state" in hug? Supporting classes with arbitrary args and kwargs is potentially problematic, i.e. how would those...
@guozhihua12 I'm having a little trouble reproducing this. Would you mind updating with the full code you're using for a repo? For instance, I'm not exactly sure how you are...
@FredM Thanks for the report, and I can reproduce this. Although I'm puzzling a bit over what the correct behavior should be. Are you aware of any standards for describing...
> Here, Hug chooses for us that it is the body parameter that take precedence. It would be nice to have some way to retrieve the query value Ok, I...
@DaveTrost Is it different than the documented behavior described [here](https://falcon.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/api.html#falcon.RequestOptions.auto_parse_qs_csv)? For `auto_parse_qs_csv=False`, `/?t=1,2,3&t=4` would render to `['1,2,3', '4']`. Is the issue that `/?t=1,2,3` renders to `'1,2,3'`, i.e. not contained in...
This is looking good, thanks! Do you want to add a set of unittests for these? I could do that if you want, or push it off to a separate...
CI pipeline will eventually include all of the following ``` black isort pep8-naming flake8-bugbear flake8-docstrings vulture bandit ``` But `flake8-docstrings` will be deferred to some other issue. 657 lines of...
@jbcooley7 Does [this](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#substitution-for-values-from-other-sections) help?