[guide example](https://guide.discordjs.dev/guide/home/how-to-contribute#discordmessages-discordmessage-and-discordmessageembed) shows smth different as you are showing pure discord not the ui package
We dont support deno for this moment, Also it would require more changes
Superseded by #22263
> Looks like [AuditLogEntry.options.channel_id](https://github.com/discord/discord-api-docs/blob/e986a12bd3eceeec3fea10bc957a59fb9e53ef29/docs/resources/Audit_Log.md?plain=1#L141) in audit log entries with the new Automod trigger/event type can now be an empty string over REST (seems like a bug?) and null in gw...
I guess we can, but do we want to put as much effort in it, especially that is is not that important Just wait for next major which probably is...
so just add an overload for the past behavior and check if the reason property exists in the object
I'd like it, but as a context menu command to not clutter the chat