Thanks for pointing me to UMA. I had read that page before but didn't dig very deep. This time I clicked around a bit more and I found this [research...
No, I think this is a reasonable framing. Let me know what an MVP would look like in your opinion. Personally, I would start fleshing out these ideas in a...
[Here](https://gist.github.com/javipus/eeef7b961f068627e21b142ae4ba97cf) is a first stab. I covered a single Uniswap trade. Some possible next steps: 1. Doing the same analysis from the point of view of a liquidity provider instead...
Hi! I've added some utility functions to get prices from Uniswap. I will be updating the figures in the notebook today using that data. > If you assumed markets were...
> You should also check this article out, by the same authors as the paper you linked Will do! I got [one figure](https://gist.github.com/javipus/eeef7b961f068627e21b142ae4ba97cf#file-price-manipulation-ipynb) ready comparing the cost of manipulating pools...
> This decimal variable is available on any ERC20 smart contract. [Apparently](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/a/76982) that's an optional parameter in the ERC20 spec, and [the USDC contract](https://etherscan.io/token/0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48#readContract) does not implement it. However, it...
Hey @jclancy93 just pinging you to make sure you got my last message and to appease the bot. I'll be giving you Chainlink updates later this week.
Yes, you'd need to download it. GitHub only displays the static version I think.