Javier Murcia
Javier Murcia
Same problem here, can't write gen 2 CUID magic card (the ones with the block 0 directly writable, and no magic command) with same error message. However I can write...
If you check the logs of the flask container, you will see that the email_validator package is missing. Add email_validator at the end of the back/back-end/requirements.txt file Also, pin the...
I have solved it by editing back/trade-engine/Dockerfile Change the 2 first lines to: FROM continuumio/miniconda3:4.7.12 RUN apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change && apt-get install -y build-essential redis-tools Explanation: - First line (the...
First of all, is that device supported by an open source firmware, or you know its gpio dessignations? because if you don't know that, you might be able to flash...
Well, in reality you are taking on 2 problems at once: - Am i capable of flashing this device? - Can a do something productive with the firmware i have...
Tuya has an api and a library for handling the comunication between the tuya module, and the device's mcu check https://tasmota.github.io/docs/TuyaMCU/ and https://images.tuyacn.com/smart/aircondition/Guide-to-Interworking-with-the-Tuya-MCU.pdf so you aren't in the dark.
¿Is there any progess or info on this issue? I'm very interested in ussing this program on a windows 10 machine.