Javier Bermúdez Lobo
Javier Bermúdez Lobo
Yes, Pubgtracker API is currently disabled... :( And my website is useless xD lobobot.com
Yes, it still. https://imgur.com/a/JrhRO =(
I don't know how are they getting the data, there is a method (not sure if it is working nowadays) but you can check it out. https://github.com/Hormold/pubg
I don't know, I think they cannot maintain their api haha
@dedarh Wow, did't know anything about that page. Great work from op.gg members. But there is no public api haha Maybe they are partnered with PUBG and have a private...
WOW... @Christian-nylander He copied my whole proyect xD https://github.com/PatyYe/pubg.op.gg-API-Wrapper But yes. Here is their API point: https://pubg.op.gg/api/users/${playerid}/ranked-stats?season=${season}&server=${server}&queue_size=${queuesize}&mode=${mode}
@Christian-nylander @dedarh @swtch I have a solution, obtaining the same data. How can I contact you?
You have to click an item in the left list.
Good job, but what happen if you select `C:\` as dir? ^^