there was some issue with that same method two years ago here ( https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/197#issuecomment-102701461 ), the pr is ok, just need to clarify with manu why he didn't wanted that......
Hello @liuggio, I'm sorry for it, I tried to fix it in the past but seems I was not correct. I would happy merge your PR, but TravisCI say you...
@appleboy maybe you would like to check https://github.com/dpordomingo/go-gingonic-cache, he contacted me a few weeks ago about this fork. @dpordomingo can you add @appleboy to the repo please?
@appleboy @dpordomingo forked here https://github.com/gin-contrib/cache
@fern4lvarez sure!, I suggest creating a `/prod` or `/deploy` directory with its own `README` and maybe some examples in `K8S` and/or `Compose`. Do you agree?
swarm should be the best way to go, it is an official proxy for docker daemon with extended capabilities of orchestrators. You should point `DOCKER_API_URL` to swarm endpoint and register...
+1 @prasmussen
@phalt @redstrike @matejkramny @rogeriomarques @ndbroadbent I'll add support for it with v0.6 in mind. Thank you for submitting this request.
@monikaYZ I understand what you mean. He means to inject/remove dynamic handlers into Gin router. Although is possible to inject them after starting the server, there is no API for...