Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro
Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro
Seems to me, it is not honoring --optimize=3 Does it happen the same by using -O3? What about -O2 or -O1? Any answer from the developers?
Very nice feature. Would like that too.
Thanks. That would be enough for starting.
No updates?
@siakc question is if there will be also x64 builds available.
> @siakc question is if there will be also x64 builds available. Is it clear now?
@ivan386 any thoughts?
Thank you for replying @ivan386
> For reference, I forked the project and made x64 builds here: https://github.com/ansani/Shareaza/releases Really appreciate it @ansani
> Hi @javiergutierrezchamorro > > Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'm happy to share that we already have the Dark Mode feature in our plan and we...