
Results 7 comments of Javid

I'm using mount volume in Postgres container to save connections which I create in the first-run That way I think I'll be able to save connections across all container runs...

I found a workaround to my problem. The problem was that if I created a connection and restarted the webserver container, then the connection would lost. I had to create...

Hi @KarthikRajashekaran , For creating volume I've modified docker-compose-LocalExecutor.yml. I've added a new section for volume under postgres container. Additionally, I've declared the new volume at the very bottom of...

@KarthikRajashekaran this is how my .yml file looks like: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7736273/68190477-c5889b00-ffad-11e9-96d9-6e1568391df7.png)

@KarthikRajashekaran did you rebuild the image after hardcoding fernet key into local entrypoint.sh file? I can see that you're not using your local image but puckel/docker-airflow:latest. In this case, your...

That is ok. But before adding connections you need to change entrypoint.sh file as I mentioned in my second comment in this thread. You need to generate fernet key and...

you're welcome @KarthikRajashekaran :)