Hi Ashot Team, I am trying to capture the full page screenshot in chrome using following code but its only taking part of it, like it is almost cutting 25%...
Here is my code which I am using for chrome. However I have also tried with firefox (v46) but it just takes top part screenshot and paste 4 times below...
Hey Ashot Team, I have got the full page screenshot using firefox v46 without using any strategies. Please help me for chrome.
Hey Ashot Team, Can you please tell the solution for chrome??
Hey Ashot team, Unfortunately I din't get answer to my last comment which is getting proper screenshot with chrome. However I am using firefox for now and got in to...
Thanks for responding. I am using selenium 2.53 and jenkins 2.32.3. The problem is that the html opens up as screenshot #1 in browser either I open it manually or...
Use Firefox 46.0.1 and use firefox driver to take screenshot. This is what I am using and screenshot is coming properly for me. Try it and let me know. Code...