Wojciech Jaszczak

Results 7 comments of Wojciech Jaszczak

I have something like this in my project. I am not an expert 'typescripter' myself, so if you notice something that could be improved I would appreciate feedback, but for...

There is a couple of ways of achieving that: You can use `delegatecall` available in solidity that will call a method in another smart contract together with changeable variable `currentVersionAddress`...

@hutson the `conventional-gitlab-releaser` will work as it's using `conventional-changelog` as dependency, and in the PR I've added a check if preset is passed as string or object - so `conventional-gitlab-releaser`...

@napolux This would work as whatever is inside dangerouslySetInnerHTML won't be tracked by React. > Unfortunately it cannot work like that because client-side React will try to re-conciliate with the...

``` function CartProvider({ loading = null, children, ...props }) {` if (!isClient) return null ``` This won't work in SSR - the examples with loading don't make sense in SSR...

But wrapping the whole app in return null means the server doesn't return anything - that's as far away from SSR as possible.

@byronmwong I see your point but https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/1881 https://github.com/ManuelDeLeon/viewmodel-react/issues/19 tldr; >Styles applied via bindings do not work if they include !important So currently !important just isn't applied at all, unless we...