In an effort to get my `radioGroupButtons` and `checkboxGroupButtons` aligned to my `switchInput`, I tried the following: ```R shiny::shinyApp( shiny::fluidPage( shinyWidgets::radioGroupButtons('r', choices = c('a', 'b', 'c'), direction = 'vertical', width...
Not knowing enough about what's possible or not, I was wondering if a bib-output can also be generated from a given isbn number. Thanks for your consideration!
Suppose I have the following two guests in my sheet: ```txt [email protected], [email protected] ``` Each time I want to sync my sheet to my calendar, [`eventDifferences`](https://github.com/Davepar/gcalendarsync/blob/master/priorversion/gcalendarsync.js#L147) compares the guests received...
Add `.hidden` block feature like in Quarto to support `\newcommand` for Mathjax without breaking PDF
While custom macros using `\newcommand{}` work fine in the rendered output, RStudio does not seem to be able to display them correctly. Take the following simple example. ```rmd --- title:...
The [User Game Export API](https://lichess.org/api#tag/Games/operation/apiGamesUser ) (`https://lichess.org/api/games/user/{username}`) currently lacks an option to filter games based on the starting position. It would be helpful to have a query parameter to distinguish...
Implementation of Issue #23. Slightly changed the case where `showRatioDonut` and `showRatioPie` is assigned a function. My previous suggestion was that this function was passed an absolute value; it might...
Inspired by this [StackOverflow question](https://stackoverflow.com/q/78226630/7669319), it would be nice to have a little more flexibility when displaying the values below labels. Currently, `showRatioDonut` and `showRatioPie` can only be set to...