Trying to implement Alexa on ESP32 Vaquita DSPG and using branch feature/aia-beta Followed instructions on the below link:- https://github.com/espressif/esp-va-sdk/tree/feature/aia-beta#2-development-setup Build is failing. Error caused due to -> multiple definition of...
Hi, I am using mqtt over a9g module. I am trying send a large audio file of about 35kb. But the payload gets broken down into 128 byte packets and...
Hey, I was testing your library with ESP32. In your library, you include the following file in case of ESP 32 ESP32Ticker.h Where do i get this library?? Can't find...
Does the code in this library for OTA work on ESP32? or is it only for ESP8266??
I am using platformio i have set the ASYNC_TCP_SSL_ENABLED Flag Then i have kept the following settings in the main file: MESH_SECURE false MQTT_SECURE true Hence, i am using ssl...
- ESP8266MQTTMesh version: 1.0.4 **If you are you using platformio or Arduino, which one?** = Arduino **Description of problem:** When i bring a fresh new node near an existing esp...
When i suddenly take out or switch off the mesh Gateway, the nodes still keep showing a valid connection for sometime. How to reduce that time? Keep Alive time or...