Jason Williams

Results 270 comments of Jason Williams

Thanks for your effort on this! Im guessing the Cranelift backend won't optimise away variables like the current LLVM compiler does? Is this at a stage to try out debugging?

Here is the latest.. Using commit df7f02072b64712e5322ea70675135cb1e20bf80 ![localhost_2346_compare html_start=LLVM end=CG_CLIF stat=wall-time](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/936006/145286818-77b10aa8-1452-46b3-a47b-3b045f6d0938.png) CG_CLIF ```diff diff --git a/collector/src/execute.rs b/collector/src/execute.rs index d816eaaf..ec71984f 100644 --- a/collector/src/execute.rs +++ b/collector/src/execute.rs @@ -399,14 +399,21 @@ impl {...

Ah, thanks, I will try that then. This may tie in with https://github.com/hediet/vscode-debug-visualizer/issues/41 but I find it hard to get started with this extension, it looks great but I was...

I've hit the same issue, do you have a workaround @asakurayohj ?

@asakurayohj i managed to fix it by doing `import * as config from 'config';` in the .ts files

@lorenwest do you know the best practise for stubbing `config` calls now? Our code is like this. ``` sandbox.stub(config, 'get').callsFake((...args) => { if (args[0] === 'environment') { return 'live'; }...

> Thank you for the suggestion but I'm not understanding the benefit I think the main benefit is not having to commit the hundreds of JS files from node_modules into...

Thanks @rhysd I had a go here, not sure how to fill in `range` https://regex101.com/r/8mrOSE/5 I suppose the range would be the high-value - low-value [low-value median-value high-value] CC @bheisler

> so we might adopt some machine readable output of summary in the future. Yeah, a good idea would be to have `github-action-benchmark` accept the CLI output for now, and...