
Results 98 comments of Jay

at a glance without going into the code i believe this is inside of the tests, I think it may be a false positive, please send drop the CVE link

sure seems nice enough, can you propose a solution in a pr?

i believe you are getting a http status 400 response from the endpoint you are trying to post which in this case is correct

Linking fix here: https://github.com/axios/axios/pull/6163

If you read that statement you read the release notes. I am working on an upgrade guide.

@KrayzeeKev sorry, I think that was a hectic day. I have these in the works, and will probably be up after this weekend. @ldeveber hopefully after the weekend.

Please try with the latest version, should this still be the case let me know 😄

The base branch is no v1.x, can you please check the conflicts then I will have a look