
Results 98 comments of Jay

I don't think we can merge this due to imports like this not working in older versions of node. We support 12 - 18 and for this we need to...

Yeah, it should actually work much better than it currently does. The team is working on a full v2 with much better TS support, I have added this to the...

@avoliva please check the build errors.

Hi :wave: Please try the latest pre-release by running the following: ```bash npm i [email protected] ``` Please provide feedback in either the pinned issue or discussion thread 🧵

> Assuming semantic commits [https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#:~:text=BREAKING%20CHANGE%3A%20a%20commit%20that%20has%20a%20footer%20BREAKING%20CHANGE%3A%2C%20or%20appends%20a%20!%20after%20the%20type/scope%2C%20introduces%20a%20breaking%20API%20change%20(correlating%20with%20MAJOR%20in%20Semantic%20Versioning).%20A%20BREAKING%20CHANGE%20can%20be%20part%20of%20commits%20of%20any%20type.), you need to either trail your commit with `BREAKING CHANGE`, or add an `!` to the commit type. > > eg: > > ``` >...

will attend to this soon but do need to be certain about this as it is a breaking change and there will more than likely be a number of people...