Jason Levine
Jason Levine
Ok so I walked through the code in the Xcode debugger: `playAtSampleTime(SR)` sets `_seekSampleTime` to `SR` then calls `play()` `play()` calls `prime()` and then `prime()` sets `_region.mStartFrame` to `SR` So:...
What if we have a static function\* ofxAudioUnitSetSampleRate(int sampleRate)\* that iterates through the AUGraph and adjusts the sample rate for each AU as well as setting a static variable _sampleRate_...
So the problem is that someone might have two AUGraphs with different sampling rates?
trying to hack a `ofxAudioUnitDSPNode& ofxAudioUnitInput::connectTo(ofxAudioUnitDSPNode &destination, int destinationBus, int sourceBus)` function together, when I noticed that the current `connectTo` function for `ofxAudioUnitInput` doesn't appear to make use of the...