Any updates/confirmations? I am facing this issue on both Android (location permission) and iOS (bluetooth permission). In my case, the crashes happen when I turn off the permissions in Settings...
I am having the similar issue. I am working on a Flutter application. Using Pera Wallet on iPhone to sign transaction works perfectly fine, but when I use Android Pera...
> @jasonhtpham try using walletconnect provider instead of algorand provider I don't quite get what you mean. I tried to use `WalletConnectProvider` but it seems like it is just an...
Hi, I am on: walletconnect_dart: ^0.0.11 algorand_dart: ^2.0.0-dev.8 I am also using walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart: git: url: https://github.com/nextchapterstudio/walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart ref: main
Hi @RootSoft, I just tested using those suggested versions above, but I still got the same error when I tried to sign the transaction.
Hi @RootSoft , do you have any updates on this?
Hi, this is my `AlgorandConnector.dart` file: ```dart import 'package:algorand_dart/algorand_dart.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:walletconnect_dart/walletconnect_dart.dart'; import 'package:walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart/walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart.dart'; import 'WalletConnector.dart'; // Abstract class class AlgorandConnector implements WalletConnector { AlgorandConnector() { _connector...
The issue was confirmed here https://github.com/nextchapterstudio/walletconnect_qrcode_modal_dart/issues/27#issuecomment-1493438023