
Results 5 comments of jasonburrows

@ShaofeiZi I took that css file, made a local copy, and referenced it directly within my master css file like this: `@import url('css/handsontable.css');` I imagine you could add it to...

Does this help? In your component get a reference to the component: `@ViewChild(AngularMasonry) private masonry: AngularMasonry;` Then trigger the layout update like this: ``` setTimeout( () => { if (this.masonry){...

Just adding - I've got the same issue. No way I can manage to get this to work with systemjs

Yeah same issue for me @saggy2012. Let me know if you fix this and I'll do the same.

Hey @saggy2012 - got it to work and maybe you had made the same error as me. I had gone through setting this up before and then removed it all...