Jason Bunk
Jason Bunk
About the receptive field, in theory a Gaussian has an infinite receptive field, but in the algorithm it is approximated by a series of filters on a lattice that are...
The trained_segment_weights.pkl file is generated by test/test_segment.py after letting it train and keyboard-interrupting it to stop the training. I pushed a commit with the describe function.
I fixed these issues with the following changes: - In callbacks.py, insert this at line 6: ``` def standardize_X(X): if type(X) == list: return X else: return [X] ``` then...
It currently supports 3D bilateral filter if you reshape your array to NCHWZ or NCZHW, where the last 3 dimensions are (height, width, spatial-depth) or (spatial-depth, height, width). The code...