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Learn OpenCV in 4 Hours - Code used in my Python and OpenCV course on freeCodeCamp.
There is an error in the Capstone Project Code ('Section #4 - Capstone/simpsons.ipynb'). x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = caer.train_test_split(featureSet, labels, val_ratio=.2) This should be x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = caer.train_val_split(featureSet,...
I had to explicitly import scipy to run
I was testing all python file and learn how it works
Hi there! I really enjoyed the course and I'd love to make some contributions. Here's what I propose: * Include requirements files for pip users. * Add a poetry installation...
- I have removed the dependency of 'createSimpsonsModel' from the canaro library and directly implemented the same in the Jupyter notebook and Python script. This fixes issue #32 - -...
the model created 2 years ago is outdated and hence I have used the latest SGD model creation method, to make it easier for people viewing in 2023.
``` # Create our model (returns a compiled model) model = canaro.models.createSimpsonsModel(IMG_SIZE=IMG_SIZE, channels=channels, output_dim=len(characters), loss='binary_crossentropy', decay=1e-7, learning_rate=0.001, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) ``` ValueError: decay is deprecated in the new Keras optimizer, pleasecheck...
In Lesson 4, he used boston.jpg for some effects which I was unable to find, which was changed at 33:36 in the course
The model creation part of the course at 3:31:00 raises some errors due to the new versions of TensorFlow changing some things around with how optimizers work. I recommend modifying...