Jun Jiang

Results 42 comments of Jun Jiang

> > I think currently you could translate WASM to standard C and then use c2mir (it can be used a library too and it is pretty small) to get...

BTW, My friend introduce me [wasm2c: Convert wasm files to C source and header](https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt/tree/master/wasm2c) today


升级一下 gem?看现在的实现跟你截图里的不同了

哦,这个我一直觉得现在应该有更好的新做法了,先给你一个 workaround。 在 `config/initializers` 里建一个 `locale.rb` 里面一句话 `I18n.backend.send(:init_translations)` 这个的意思是 eager loading 翻译文件

嗯 或者放到 after_initialize 之类的Rails 应用的钩子去,具体我没动手测试,有空你试试吧,做法会好一些。 我觉得他这里写法或许有更好的做法,我有空研究一下

I would prefer don't change global settings, if I remember correctly, developers no need to do anything after you transferred the repo, GitHub will do the redirection automatically.

You can try the dummy app (in `test/dummy`), it's nearly full featured. This gem, as I known, has been used in many projects, but sadly they are all closed source

You can ask any question, I'll help you as I can