Jashandeep Sohi

Results 12 issues of Jashandeep Sohi

I'm using `kpt live apply` for a bunch of CRDs. However, as the number of CRDs increase, I'm finding it near impossible to use it because I'm getting throttled after...

### 💡 cargo-generate v0.6.0+ #### Describe the feature Currently `wrangler generate ...` calls out to `cargo-generate` v0.5.0 to template out any files. From v0.6.0+ `cargo-generate` supports template defined [placeholders](https://github.com/cargo-generate/cargo-generate#template-defined-placeholders) (aka...

timed out

Running generate with the same name multiple times causes subsequent runs to use the `wrangler.toml` file from the previous (original) run's directory for any post cargo-generate variable substitions.

Currently, it's hard-coded to `YUY2`. Allow setting multiple values from CLI and let gstreamer pick the best compatible one for the pipeline.


Instead of blurring the background, allow setting a static image or video as the background.


Currently, only RSA keys are supported: https://github.com/cargo-generate/cargo-generate/blob/528bf381807201bf91103dd3ca50bcca90365a5c/src/git.rs#L119 However, more and more people are defaulting to `ed25519`(myself included). Having to setup a `rsa` key just for `cargo-generate` is not ideal. `cargo-generate`...

Type: Enhancement

Is there someway to prevent sops from attempting to use KMS and prefer PGP instead when decrypting a file?

help wanted

Appreciate the [pointer](https://blog.eigenvalue.net/2023-nix2container-everything-once/) in the readme on how to avoid duplicate files in layers. But could the `foldImageLayers` utility function mentioned in that post be included in this flake (or...

I'm using Flakes to enter devenv shells (i.e. https://devenv.sh/guides/using-with-flake-parts/). An issue I'm running into is that I'm seeing the following errors whenever tools in the devenv try to do something...


I need to be able to set `tolerations` and `affinity.nodeAffinity` for Pods created by Jobs created by this operator. As far as I know, there's no way to do this...

help wanted
good first issue