I haven't seen the issue after a few restarts post-install of extension, so seems it may have been an install/setup thing, or perhaps loading my large solution (> 20 projects)?...
> Nevermind I had a condition when referencing the package and this condition was wrong so I ended up with no package for linux. What was the issue? I am...
I am trying to use `context.GitHubActions().Commands.UploadArtifact` , but get ``` Cake.Core.CakeException: GitHub Actions Runtime Token missing. at Cake.Common.Build.GitHubActions.Commands.GitHubActionsCommands.ValidateArtifactParameters[T](T path, String artifactName) at Cake.Common.Build.GitHubActions.Commands.GitHubActionsCommands.UploadArtifact(DirectoryPath path, String artifactName) ``` Is there any...
@devlead > You'll need to use Cake action to access GitHub APIs. Ahhh, I see. TY for the example, I had also been wondering how to specify the target task....
>I found that first mount is ok, then I used expo-router to navigate back, and navigate to data entry page again that is when I see this message I am...
>> The only way in which I can get the videos to play on a UWP device is by disabling the 'Compile with .Net native tool chain' in properties and...
>> I've been looking at creating a custom renderer and I'm thinking that is the direction to go in. I *assume* that's what is being done in here in the...
Looks like same/related issue: https://github.com/SharpeRAD/Cake.Powershell/issues/95
I'm _guessing_ it may be related to https://github.com/SharpeRAD/Cake.Powershell/blob/master/TroubleShooting.md#error-message-4, possibly due to the systems I'm running on are @ Pwsh v5.1.x, and this package needs an update to support, since it...
Possibly only needs updated dependency? This package is currently using > 1y old v 7.2.10? https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK/7.2.10?_src=template