Yep, the log file does indeed show: Cannot import gmail, sending books via Gmail Oauth2 Verification will not work: No module named 'google_auth_oauthlib' Jason. ``` [2022-05-03 19:53:29,024] INFO {cps:141} Starting...
Needed to install: ``` pip3 install google-auth-oauthlib pip3 install google-api-python-client pip3 install Flask-Dance ``` Can now see the Server Type option under Email-Server Settings. All working as expected.
So, sending books to my Kindle via gmail has stopped working. When I send a book, I just get a status of "Failed" in the Tasks list. Logs are telling...
Updated to version "6/5/22, 9:06 AM" from the nightly build, and selected the "EPUB" option when sending to kindle.... still get the status "Failed" in the task list. Although the...
Moved the com.homebridge.server.plist file... as described here...https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge/wiki/Install-Homebridge-on-OSX From: /Users/username/Library/LaunchAgents To: /Library/LaunchDaemons I made the following changes to the plist file: Added: ```` UserName root ```` To run as root. Changed...
I have made some progress with this. I have added the following into my docker compose file to expose the `gmail.json` file to calibre-web ``` volumes: - type: bind source:...
A setting where you can specify which custom column is being used as "Text column for keeping series-like information" would be perfect. If this can then be used (along with...